Revenge of the Sith Rewatch
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It has been quite a while since I saw Revenge of the Sith all the way trough. It’s my least watched Star Wars Movie. I remember it being quite sad and I am not often in the mood for sad movies. Watching it again was refreshing because I had forgotten a lot of what happened.
Revenge of the Sith can be split into two unequal halves. The first half started with Obi Wan and Anakin on a mission to save Palpatine. It was a visually impressive way to open a movie and I noticed several things during the first twenty minutes. This movie was better paced than Attack of the Clones. The acting and dialogue, however, were still lacking. I appreciated the reduction in Padme/Anakin screen time because when they were on screen I still cringed.
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The long opening sequence culminated in the end of Dooku and the safe return of Palpatine. I found it a little ironic that Christopher Lee played the bad guy who was, yet again, killed in the opening act of the third chapter of a trilogy. General Grievous taking his place was a little disappointing. I didn’t find Grievous all that interesting. I haven’t watched alot of the Clone Wars cartoon but I suspect they developed him in that series. He certainly wasn’t as interesting as Darth Maul. To be fair, this is Anakin’s story so I can understand the rationale of not creating a competing bad guy.
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Speaking of Anakin. His transformation to a dark lord still isn’t convincing. This was one of my biggest issues during my initial viewing. My rewatch exposed a little more of his motivations than I remembered, but It was still too quick a conversion. The transformative scene with Mace Windu, Palpatine and Anakin was farfetched. Which brings me to:
Lets Plays…Who is more powerful!
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After watching this movie, I now have no idea who is more powerful than who.
The second half of Revenge of the Sith works though. It works not because it is a great movie but because it inevitably ties up all the loose ends that need to be tied up. It is a true prequel to A New Hope.
The second half of Revenge of the Sith is almost entirely fan service.
How does the empire take over? Where are all the Jedi? Why are Luke and Leia seperated? What happened to Obi Wan and Yoda? All of these questions were answered (Lord of the Rings style). Of course the big question was how exactly did Anakin become Vader. That answer was the battle to end all battles. The battle of best buds. I still find this sequence a little difficult to watch. Not because it is bad, but because it is heart wrenching. It also includes the best acting of Hayden Christensen’s tenure as Anakin.
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After watching this movie I can understand what George Lucas was trying to do. The ideas he had and the story he wanted tell are pretty compelling. It is a shame he is so bad at dialog. This movie actually could have been great but it suffered from Lucas’s trademark bad writing.